During This Pandemic Our Lives Have Been Turned Upside Down! If You Need To Buy Or Sell During This Time, Find Out How We Are Doing It Safely. Real Estate Has Been Deemed An Essential Service. My Team And I Are Here And Available To Help You Achieve This Safely And Successfully! Here Is How!
Pivoting Our Business Practices And Services To Keep Your Family Safe:
As the pandemic changes and we go through different stages, the buying and selling process pivots accordingly. Please know that the strategies we suggest to use to buy or sell your home will be discussed and determined based on the government gudelines at the time and by you, based on your own personal circumstances. What is done for one situation may not be the safest approach for another. That being said, the below strategies are just a few of the ways my team and I have pivoted our business practices and services. What is best for your personal buying/selling experience will be based on your reasons and urgency for buying /selling, and more importantly, on your and your familes heath situation along with the stage of the pandemic based on government restrictions and guidelines. Whatever the situation may be please be assured that you will be recieving the best possible services to ensure a safe sucessfull outcome.
Virtual Buyer And Seller Consultations
To keep your family safe by maintaining social and physical distancing I am booking consultation appoinments through video converence, using such platforms as FaceTime and Zoom. To book a Buyewr or Seller consultation please contact me at: annette@annettegole.ca
or call 905-855-2200
Virtual Showings
Virtual showings have now become the new norm. Buyers are viewing homes while staying safe at home. With todays video conference technology we are conducting virtual showing through such platforms as Facetime and Zoom. Everyone involved is able to comunicate and ask questions.
Digital Offers
The digital offer process is easy to maneuver and is safe and secure. Allowing both Buyer and Seller to negotiate and accept offers while safely in the comfort of their own homes.
January 14, 2021, Government Declares State of Emergency - Real Estate Still Essential.
What Does This Mean For Real Estate Services?
- Based on the information we have at the moment, real estate continues to be an essential service and agents can continue to do business, BUT open houses remain prohibited. In-person showings are permitted by appointment, but these should be limited to those that are urgent.
- TREB strongly recommends agents refrain from face to face real estate practices as much as practicable as we continue to satisfy our ethical duties to our clients. TREB continues to strongly advise agents to take advantagge of virtual tools. (See my "Seller Narrated" Video on the Home Page as an example of my use of virtual tools to the fullest!) If A client decides that an in-person showing is necessary, agents are to conduct as much business as possible virtually before hosting or participating in an in-person showing.
- Real Estate offices may remain open, but must continue to follow the government's screening requirements for workplaces, although the province is strongly urging every business that has the ability to work remotely, to do so.
- At all times, it is absolutely necessary to practice physical distancing; use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks; and clean and disinfect the home before and after each and every showing
- Required at all times the need to space out all showings and limit the number at each showing. Showings are to be kept limited to one family group in the property at a time, and limited to the contract parties only.
The State of Emergency does impact real estate in two ways:
- Short-term rentals for recreational purposes are effectively closed as of January 12, 2021. If a booking was made prior to January 12, it is permitted to go forward.
- Renovations started before January 12 will be permitted to continue, but those that have not started are not permitted to begin. The government has not indicated when the new measure will be lifted.
Additional Measures Impacting Real Estate
- Non-essential construction is futher restricted, including below-grade construction, exempting survey.
- The government is exploring all options available to put a temporary residential evictions moratorium in place to ensure Ontarians are not forced to leave their homes under the new state of emergency, and will have more to say in the coming days.
The above information provided by TREB and posted to this site on January 14th, 2021.
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